Father Solalinde: State agents, kidnappers of the students


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* Criminals did not participate in the acts, as they want to make you believe, the priest asserts

By: Fabiola Martínez

He pointed out that he is willing to tell what he knows to the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), although he indicated that his informants want to remain anonymous because they are certain that upon denouncing, they will also be killed.

“I am going to tell it and I will repeat it as many times as necessary: it was painful even for me to receive the details of one of those testimonies, on Sunday, about how they had burned them; some of them were alive, some were injured, others already dead, but they burned them. The people that gave me (the information) are worthy of my credibility,” he said.

In an interview, the priest asserted that State agents kidnapped the students and in no way are we dealing with an organized crime action, as they want to make you believe, even when the line between one and the other gang can be imperceptible, he expressed.

“I don’t want to give more details, but they told me how (they burned them). Perhaps the people that did it were compromised.

“Other people looked for me on Tuesday, concerning youths that had been witnesses to the first and second attacks, how they saw that some were injured, others also fell. State agents carried away those that fell, those that attacked them and carried them away. They attacked them (the students) as if they were an Army and not students of a rural teachers college,” he pointed out.

Father Solalinde, director of the Hermanos en el Camino shelter for migrants, was interviewed before offering a short sermon on Bucareli Avenue, in front of the Interior Ministry, where the coffin of Sra. Margarita Santizo, mother of a federal police agent that disappeared in Michoacán in 2009, has been since the afternoon.

He said that people no longer want words from the authorities but rather deeds and “that they present the 43 students alive; if they were not burned, then demonstrate that it’s not so.”


Originally Published in Spanish by La Jornada

Translation: Chiapas Support Committee

Saturday, October 18, 2014

En español: http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2014/10/18/politica/005n1pol



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